load up
英 [ləʊd ʌp]
美 [loʊd ʌp]
装载; 装满
- → see:load 1
- Preventing cancer is a compelling reason to load up your cart in the produce department.
预防癌症是一个令人信服的在生产部加载您的购物车的理由。 - She carried the heavy load up the hill.
她把很重的东西背到小山上。 - This allows the filter to have the highest dust load up tolerance, preventing accumulated dust from blocking the air passageway of the foam.
这使得过滤器具有最高的灰尘负载宽容,防止灰尘累积的空气通道阻断泡沫。 - The next area we are going to load up, is more of an exterior zone.
我们将载入的下一个地区将是一个户外的场景。 - So that's what we want to load up with electrons, and then see if we can remove some.
所以那个是我们,想加载电子的地方,然后看看我们是否可以移动一点。 - Avoid spicy foods, and load up on the vegetables to raise your sperm count.
避免辛辣食物,多吃一些有助于增加精子数的蔬菜。 - Load up your iPod to capacity, so you'll always have them on hand.
把iPod充满电,确保自己随时都可以听。 - A seemingly endless line of trucks waits in vain to load up.
一眼望不到头的一长列卡车眼巴巴地等着装货。 - Of course, don't load up on anantioxidant-rich food if you are allergic to it.
当然,千万别吃太多对你造成过敏的富含抗氧化剂的食物。 - And it's a bad bet for investors to load up on the card companies taking that gamble.